

Перспективы миграционное политики россии - И.В. Ивахнюк

GCIM. 2005. Migration in an Interconnected World: New Directions for Action. Report of the Global Commission on International Migration.

Gow D. 2009. European commission rules out change to law on free movement of workers. Contested EU legislation lies at heart of wave of strikes against foreign employees across continent // The Guardian (U.K.), February 2.

Herd G., Sargsyan G. 2007. Debating Russian Demographic Security. Current Trends and Future Trajectories // In: Security Index, Vol. 13, N: 3(83) p. 81-99.

Iredale R.R. 2001. The Migration of Professionals: Theories and Ty­pologies // International Migration, N: 39 (5).

ILO. 2009. Global Employment Trends Update. Geneva: International Labor Organization.

ILO. 2010 A Rights Based Approach to Labour Migration. Geneva: In­ternational Labour Organization.

ICMPD. 2006. Overview of the CIS Migration Systems, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna.

IOM. 2008. World Migration Report 2008: Managing Labour Mobility in the Evolving Global Economy. Geneva, Switzerland: International Or­ganization for Migration.

IOM. 2009. The Impact of the Global Crisis on Migration. The IOM Policy Brief. Memorandum N:1, January 12, 2009.

Koser K. 2010. The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Interna­tional Migration // The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Vol. XI, No. 1: 13-20.

Liebig T. 2005. A new phenomenon: the international competition for highly-skilled migrants and its consequences for Germany. Bern: Haupt.

Martin P. 2003. Highly skilled labor migration: sharing the benefits. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies.

Martin P. 2009. The Recession and Migration Alternative Scenarios, http://www.age-of-migration.com/na/financialcrisis/updates/1c.pdf; A Virtual Symposium, Migration and the Global Financial Crisis, organized by Stephen Castles and Mark Miller, February 2009.

MPI. 2009. M.Fix, D.G.Papademetriou, J.Batalova, A.Terrazas, S.Yi- Ying Lin, and M.Mittelstadt, 2009. Migration and the Global Recession. Migration Policy Institute and BBC World Service. September 2009.

MPI. 2010. The Global Remittances Guide. http://www.migration- information.org/DataHub/remittances.cfm

OECD. 2008. The Global Competition for Talent: Mobility of the Highly Skilled. Paris. September.

Papademetriou D. 1999. Migration Trends in Russia and the CIS and their Potential Consequences for Europe // Illegal Migration. Bonn: Varus Verlag: 76-95.

Regets M. 2007. Brain Circulation: The Complex National Effects of High-Skilled Migration // Workshop on the International Mobility of Re­searches. OECD Committee for Scientific and Technology Policy. Paris, March 28.

Rex J. 2004. Multiculturalism and Political Integration in Modern Na­tion States // Migration in the New Europe: East-West Revisited. Edited by Agata Gorny and Paolo Ruspini. New York, Palgrave-Macmillan: 93-108.

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197183, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Сестрорецкая д.6 (главное здание) Телефон: (812) 430-60-40
194044, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Академика Лебедева, 6 Телефон: 8 (812) 329-71-35.
105064, Москва, Гороховский пер., 4; телефон приемной комиссии: +7 (499) 261-31-52.
191023 г.Санкт-Петербург улица Зодчего Росси дом 2 Телефон: + 7 (495) 629 70 62; +7 (495) 629 78 58

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